Friday, October 26, 2012


 Since as Strato notes we need to avoid teleology in science and I add any divine intent anywhere, then theism is indeed just reduced animism as both depend on supernatural intent. Prayer evinces that. Answered prayers are just examples of the post hoc fallacy- coincidental whilst theists ever rationalize about failed ones. No difference then ensues betwixt both reduced and full animism. 
   Animism is superstition. Why then this superstition?
   Theists put forth the arguments from angst and from happiness-purpose, whence arrives Lamberth's non-genetic argument that ti's theists themselves who validate our naturalist arguments about why they believe, and thus we commit no genetic argument!
   Aquinas' superfluity argument bespeaks how theists use their reduced animism in that they find the need to use God, He has no valid explanatory function- Lamberth's the god of the explanatory gap. The  God of the scientific gaps finds God where science has no answers whilst this gap finds Him as the overreaching answer- the Primary efficient explanation in a hierarchy of causes- Aquinas's' etiological argument- the Primary Cause.
     Percy Bysshe Shelley implicitly states it thus:" To suppose that some existence beyond, or above them [ the descriptions-laws - of Nature, S.] is to invent a second and superfluous hypothesis to account for what already is accounted for." To further insist that no, this is a category mistake, begs the question thereof.
  In the name of this superstition and -superfluity, people murder others!
  This superfluity is no better warranted than a square circle or married bachelor and plays no more a role than gremlins and demons!

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